Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Heartbreaking/Heart Touching Picture by photojournalists

In all my previous photography posts, I’ve always tried to bring creative and beautiful compilations for you guys. However, today I have collected some “not-so-pleasing” shots but definitely food for thought.

You would have surely heard of the term “Photojournalism”….a form of news reporting where images are used to tell the entire news story. This type of journalism has rapidly gained prominence since violence and aggression has risen all over the world. Terror attacks, suicide bombings, war in Afghanistan and Iraq, protests and revolt in Egypt….these all are the grueling moments that are happening around us. Therefore, to keep the general public aware, journalists capture these grim realities of life in their cameras and release them over internet.

Lately, I came across some of the most heartbreaking and disturbing pictures of photojournalism and thought of sharing them with my readers. I think it’s high time we all realise that… “Peace can never be achieved through war”. Peace is not about fighting for vengeance. It is a process of removing anger and hatred amongst ourselves. Always remember:

“The more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war. “
Let’s have a look at these heart-rending pictures which clearly prove that we are not “human beings” anymore.

9/11 was an inside job

9/11 was an inside job

Chains of freedom

Chains of freedom

Jesus told me where to bomb

Jesus told me where to bomb

Make War & Hunger History

9/11 collapse

9/11 collapse

Police State

Police State

Height of Poverty

Height of Poverty

Real Courage

Real Courage

Riots in Egypt

Riots in Egypt

Standing Guard

Standing Guard

Struggling To Survive

Struggling To Survive

Symbols of hatred

Symbols of hatred

Tears of War

Tears of War

The abandoned child

The abandoned child

Egypt on fire

Egypt on fire

The Sit-in

The  Sit-in

Thirsty Child

Thirsty Child

Where is my vote?

Where is my vote?

Held Hostage

Held Hostage

London Riots

London Riots

Women Fighters

Women Fighters


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